Bulgarian Register of Shipping (BRS) performs technical supervision and classification, including:
• Approval of technical documentation for construction and repair of sea-going and inland vessels, drilling platforms and containers
• Approval of companies and laboratories that manufacture, repair and test maritime and industrial structures, equipment, materials and products, subject to supervision by BRS
• Supervision of the construction and conversion of ships, drilling platforms and containers
• Certification of ships and containers in operation
• Supervision of the production of materials and products intended for construction and repair of ships, subject to supervision by BRS
• Supervision and classification of newly-built ships, ships in operation, materials and products in accordance with contract partnership with other Classifications organizations on the principle of authorization/substitution
• Statutory surveys of ships in accordance with contracts for recognition by maritime administrations
• Technical consultations and expertise
• Consultation for introduction and implementation of quality management systems and assistance in certification, pursuant to the requirements of the standards of the ISO 9000 series
• Certification according to the requirements of the ISM Code and the ISPS Code. In connection with the mandatory application of the requirements of the ISM Code and ISPS Code BRS carries out activities on the certification of Safety and Security Management Systems on the basis of authorizations by the respective Flag Administrations
• Periodical survey and supervision of small crafts (up to 40 GT) on behalf of Bulgarian Maritime Administration.